Exit Counseling
Campus Based Student Loans
University of Illinois Campus Based Student Loans recipients must complete exit counseling when they have separated from the University or fallen below half time status. Heartland ECSI will notify you by email when the exit counseling is ready to be completed.
Once you have been notified to complete the Campus Based Student Loans exit counseling, log into Heartland ECSI.
If you have separated from the University of Illinois and this is not reflected in the Hearland ECSI system, please contact University Bursar at 312-413-0303 bursarloans@uillinois.edu to update your records.
Federal Direct Student Loans
University of Illinois Federal Direct Student Loans recipients must complete exit counseling when they have separated from the University or fallen below half time status. Students transitioning from an undergraduate to a graduate program are also required to complete exit counseling.
To complete exit counseling for Federal Direct Student Loans: